US LEGALIZATION provides expedited legalization services to certify documents from the Embassy of Afghanistan
A - Notarized Documents
Approximate turn around time: 7 business days (does not include mailing time)
The embassy of Algeria requires that document must be certified from the secretary of the state in which it originated. Therefore, we cannot process your document unless it has already been certified by the secretary of state. Once your document has been certified by the state, you may use our service to complete the certification process by choosing case B. We will then authenticate your document from the US Department of State and the embassy of Algeria.
B - A document certified from the Secretary of State
Approximate turn around time: 7 business days (does not include mailing time)
It is preferred that the
document is certified
from the Secretary of
the State in which the
notary is licensed... (more)
C - Fedral Documents
Approximate turn around time: 7 business days (does not include mailing time)
US Legalization will
authenticate the
document from the US
Department of State and
the Embassy of Egypt... (more)
D - A document certified from the US Department of State in Washington DC.
Approximate turn around time: 7 business days (does not include mailing time)
It is preferred that the
document is certified
from the Secretary of
the State in which the
notary is licensed... (more)
E - Personal Documents
Approximate turn around time: 7 business days (does not include mailing time)
All personal documents
must be certified by the
respective Secretary of
State. Birth, Death,
Marriage, divorce
certificates (more)
F - Commercial Documents
Approximate turn around time: 7 business days (does not include mailing time)
The embassy of Algeria requires that C/I or C/O must be certified from the secretary of the state in which it originated. Therefore, we cannot process your C/I or C/O unless it has already been certified by the secretary of state. Once your C/I or C/O has been certified by the state, you may use our service to complete the certification process by choosing case B. We will then authenticate your C/I or C/O from the US Department of State and the embassy of Algeria.